In April, the lockdown due to corona had started and everyone was stuck indoors. This was an apt time for bringing out old hobbies that we no longer have time for otherwise. All over social media, people were showcasing their talents. That was the first time I realised how devoid of creative talent I was. Sure, I can write a nice poem now and then, but there’s no way I can draw a lifelike portrait, like all other people were doing and posting on Twitter and Instagram.
Nevertheless, I decided that I will try to draw something. How hard could it be? I had recently seen the animated movie “My Neighbour Totoro” and I was very delighted over how beautiful “Totoro” from the movie looked. So I googled “How to draw Totoro”. The rest is history. You can see my attempt at drawing on top of the post. It’s not perfect and might look like it was drawn by a child, but I am still very proud of it.
My Neighbor Totoro is a great film btw, and you should watch it you are a fan of Miyazaki.